Thursday, May 19, 2016

Whirlwind few days....

I have been travelling and after less than 48 hours in Croatia I am now in Italy.... but the good news is that my Mum has decided that she wants to live. She has now settled into a residential home where she is getting 24 hour care and attention. When she first went in she was very confused and unhappy. Her memory is such that she could not remember how difficult the last few months have been - not just for her but also for my sisters who have been on 24 alert - as things had got more and more tough for her to cope on her own.

When I first saw her she was very upset and talked about not having any purpose for living and was completely confused as to where she was and how she had got there. However over the three days I was there she got more and more energised and when I asked her directly if she wanted to die - she replied that she probably didn't and that she was wanted to live to be 100 - which was a fantastic turn around!

The home is now delivering my letters and it occurred to me that I would put all of my letters on my blogg as they chart the last few months of our lives. 

So now I am in Italy for a few days and continuing to take my time to work out what I'm going to do with rest of my life!