Thursday, February 20, 2014

Being in India

... tonight I am  in Delhi with Jenny - today we visited the Taj Mahal - a couple of days ago we were at Kathan and Swati's wedding, last week we visited tribal communities and schools and stood on the salt desert of Raam with an astronomer friend of Abhay's and watched the moon rise, the sun set and heard the Indian legends of the stars.....

I am full tonight... full of so much.... so many special things .... the joy of being with my sister Jenny, meditating every morning and going deep together, being together.... tonight laughing so much at the noises around us..... at the moment the best gurgling toilet we have ever heard!

....Kathan and Swati's wedding and the privilege of being part of that... the amazing hospitality of Abhay and Shraddha.... flying with Kathan's grandparents.... that was special... everything being special... trying to appreciate every wonderful moment of this time.

India is India........ I had a text from a European friend who said 'I am trying to imagine but I am not sure I can.... ' I agree......  India is such a different place..... and is very difficult to describe...... duality but different  .... I think India makes you face - full on - the definition of everything.....

Similarities and differences...... this is the heart of everything - recognising our similarities (our humanity) and cherishing our differences (our individual journeys and their cultural contexts).

How blessed am I!!!!!!!!

Words are inadequate........