After I had written my blogg - I meditated and next to my altar was a beautiful calender of Rumi poems that a dear friend had given me, and because I have been rushing around so much - it was still on August. So I turned it and this was the poem for September 2011..............
Your grief for
what you’ve lost
lifts a mirror up
to where you’re
bravely working.
Expecting the worst,
you look, and instead,
here’s the joyful face
you’ve been wanting
to see.
Your hand opens
and closes and
opens and closes.
If it were always a fist
or always stretched
open, you would be
Your deepest
presence is in every
small contracting
and expanding,
the two as
beautifully balanced
and coordinated
as birdwings
what you’ve lost
lifts a mirror up
to where you’re
bravely working.
Expecting the worst,
you look, and instead,
here’s the joyful face
you’ve been wanting
to see.
Your hand opens
and closes and
opens and closes.
If it were always a fist
or always stretched
open, you would be
Your deepest
presence is in every
small contracting
and expanding,
the two as
beautifully balanced
and coordinated
as birdwings
Thank you, with love and so much gratitude.