Monday, October 31, 2011

Proud of my Mum..

Yesterday we went over to see my Mum in her new home, and I have been thinking about her all day - because she was just so magnificent!!

She is just starting to find a normality in her life after what has been a few weeks of the most turbulent change possible - the death of a husband of 66 years, a move from her house of 55 years, the loss of her mobility, because of the broken hip, which means she is still struggling to get around.

And yesterday when we left, she stood in the hallway, a little old lady standing on the threshold of a completely new life. Missing my father desperately but having such strength and determination that I felt like she glowed from inside, her blue eyes resonating such an amazing beauty.

..... and all she could say was 'I am just so lucky!' What a wonderful woman she is......