Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My house is a mess........

.........of unbelievable proportions. Mind I haven't been here much - which is just as well as it's doing my head in now I am! The back room is now nearly finished - the 'nearly' bit seems to be a common occurrence in this process!

We have not had the computer at home until tonight (and it's still not working properly) - hence no blogg - however the back door is now fitted - eventually - but not quite finished of course - just surrounded by mess!

I was away in Wales last weekend - which was wonderful - discovering on my return - for four hours on Sunday afternoon - before going to Strasbourg - that there had been no back door for two days - just a space! Jimmy copes remarkably well with all this and because he felt he couldn't go out - he just invited all his friends around - so they had a good weekend! I just can't wait for it all to be finished - the mess is just so horrible.

Today has been full of news of death and illness and tomorrow is our big day in London - so feeling very wobbly at the moment.

All of these things are the chaos and change of life - I know I must enjoy them with beauty - that's made me smile and I feel better for writing my blogg!