Along with Aziz and Jamal, I´m staying with Lara´s parents in Gijon, Northern Spain. It is quite amazing - we have been made so welcomed by all of Lara´s family but particularly her Mum and Dad - and Lara´s never actually met Aziz and Jamal herself yet!
I have found being here very powerful in terms of ´missing Chris´. I can´t think of a time since he died when I really thought - Chris would have loved this so much´ - I felt it a bit of it in Croatia but I suppose I have been concentrating on things that I wanted to do and avoided things that I knew Chris would have loved. So it came a bit out the blue when I got here - more worried about speaking Spanish and being guest of people that I don´t really know - I was never worried about the boys - though I understand my hosts were - in case they got bored but no chance of that!!!
Anyway the Chris thing - I hadn´t thought about - but from the moment I arrived in Galicia - I have just thought time and time again - Chris would have loved this so much. He loved Galicia and Asturias - the one regret he died with was that he never got back to Galicia. We had been planning that trip the day before he died and it wasn't going to work out that year - and he saíd I would really have loved to go back to Galicia again - and I said of course you will but just not this year - and as it turned out - never.
Anyway that feeling was strong and then everything about Gijon and Lara´s parents has been so evocative of Chris. Tano loves his shopping lists, they drink cider, the view is of small boats and proper boats - non of your fancy millionaires boats. The food, the mountains, the campo, even the mutt of a dog - just everything about this place was just Chris´s cup of tea - and even that´s PG tips!
Anyway I have talked a bit to Alex who understood because he had felt it when he visited at Christmas and I have just talked a little bit to Aziz and Jamal, who came round and gave me a cuddle and said everyone has to feel it sometime!! We then talked about Heff and Jeanette but are now going for a swim. Happy happy place too!
My lovely son Alex certainly knows how to pick a wonderful girlfriend, with a gorgeous family. Alex described Lara to her Mum as ´Gorgeous´ and she thought it was something to do with Gorgons! But this family is gorgeous!!!