Sunday, November 04, 2007

Growing up..........

Well – it’s Saturday night – I have had an easy evening at Gilly’s drinking wine, watching TV and talking.

Reflecting on the last week – I feel it has made both Jimmy and me grow up! There is this myth that 54 year olds are ‘grown up’ the reality is that we never ‘grow up’ – I think my 87 and 90 year old parents would agree with this.

OK - with age comes experience, knowledge and some wisdom but the bottom line is we are all learning and some weeks we learn more than others!

Last week has been really hard but I am so proud of all three of my sons – all of whom have helped me and each other in a wonderful, natural way.

Ayway - I wanted to go out tonight – if only to show Jim that I wasn’t going to stay on the sofa every night knitting!

So I’m home – blogging – Jim’s out with his mates. I have just noticed that the jeans that he wore that night – the ones that I washed immediately because I wanted rid of the blood stains – not thinking about the police asking for them – have gone.

So I’m here and Jim’s out – wearing his jeans with their new un-designer cut! His way of facing what happened – and I must find my own way – which I am sure I will…..