Monday, March 28, 2016

Where in the world am I?

My life is truly amazing and  I feel so grateful and just so amazingly blessed - here am I in the wonderful Galapagos islands - how did that happen? I have just spent a week cruising around some of the 19 islands, snorkelling and walking - looking at wildlife and the beautiful geological structures. It was a very good group of 16 people from around the world and our guide was excellent, informative, funny and very professional, and the crew were just lovely, so patient and gracious - it was just a joy to be part of such a group. I wonder if I always attract lovely people into my life as the make up of the group was quite important to the overall experience - and we were all different yet together we were special - all of us gaining a huge amount from the experience together.

So my blessed life continues, I leave for mainland Ecuador today and tomorrow to Costa Rica. I will have been in South America for quite a while as I never went back to Croatia after I helped Alex, Lara and the wonderful Alba move from Paris to Portugal. I joined a friend and a group of students in Cuenca and I marvel at the way doors just open for me - I am really living in a kind of flow.

I miss my Mum and she is gradually getting more frail. I write to her very regularly and know she loves my letters, and I hear about her from various family members. She has not been well since Christmas, when she was away with us. She was so good then, walking a lot and joining in the conversation even playing cards, but she has got much more dependent since then and I gather rarely gets out of the house.

I have had a lot of time to think and reflect in my travels and it has been good. I still do not know the purpose of my life beyond being happy, but maybe there is no purpose behind that? Who knows!

Time to leave the Galapagos islands - what a truly amazing place..................