Monday, September 22, 2014

Off again!

......and I don't yet feel fully grounded after Vienna and Prague!

This afternoon I fly to Paris then on to Brussels on Wednesday and back on Friday.

Vienna was huge... and it felt not only the end of something big but also the beginning of something enormous! It felt overwhelming at times when I was there  - and also in the last week since I have been back home. I can see the big picture and that is so exciting but I am not yet able to see clearly the details of the path.... I know I need to just let it happen but of course this is not an easy thing to do!!!

But as I have been doing this all my life - I really do know how to do this - I suppose the difference is the level of consciousness - I am very aware - at different levels that I am manifesting my own future - and because everything is connected this goes beyond me - and because I am doing this consciously I have to take on the responsibility that goes along with that - BUT and this is the really hard bit - not to let fear come anywhere into the picture.

So going with the flow of conscious creation - BUFFFF! That's a biggie for 7 o'clock in the morning....but it feels like butterflies in my tummy - but of anticipation not fear! Wow!!!!!!!!!