Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Singing in the Wild - being in a place of Ceremony......

I got back home last night - and have spent the day returning to this world...... after nearly a week away.

I wrote to Jenny earlier today....

Am home - had an amazing time - a lot of Ceremony - everything can be Ceremony - and we had the space and time to go there - I think you would love Singing in the Wild - it is just so enormous - like all these things when you surrender to it all...... we were a small group a total of 10 in the wildness of the Pennant Valley..... resonating through song and dance with the valley and ourselves. We did deep and powerful work together. Today I am feeling completely blessed and just BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!

It was truly wonderful - we all used the word vulnerable a lot because that was we did - made ourselves vulnerable and open - collectively going to an amazing place of being as one but being our uniqueness...... difficult to describe this.....

But that was what we did!

Today I have been gentle with myself - taking things slowly - I will return to work tomorrow - but today I have been relishing the resonance of the totality - letting it gently come to rest within my body....... bufffffffff what an amazingly beautiful world we are blessed to live in!!!