Thursday, January 02, 2014

2014 has started....

... and it feels good! Still full of cold and have now got a horrible cough but it feels OK - the cough is probably a legacy of the flu. Today I went to work - which was a bit of a shock to the system after a lovely couple of weeks with family and friends - doing very little but being with them and enjoying their company and eating lovely food - very seasonal. We went to Hereford in a huge rambling old house, with big wooden beams built in the 1600s. Special -  lots of family including my boys and my Mum - it was just perfect.

I welcomed in the New Year by having a lovely evening with a couple of friends - we welcomed in  2014 with a Sound Journey, Wishes, heartful conversations, food made with love and dancing - it was lovely gentle way into 2014.

Yesterday I woke to the phone ringing and it was my sister Jenny telling me that my cousin Ellen had had a brain hemorrhage - she was still alive but very poorly. Still waiting to hear if there has been any developments...... she is only early 70s - the oldest of my cousins - but was very fit, walked a lot, slim build, healthy diet - the last person I would have thought of.

It's one of those things that you can't do anything about but wait.... keeps re-appearing in the mind..... My Mum was told but she has forgotten - well I have talked to her twice and she hasn't mentioned it - I am glad - she doesn't want to know - so she just blocks it out. She was noticeably frailer this holiday  - she also has a sadness which is new - well it's been coming on for a few weeks now...... Having said that she had a great holiday - loved it - loved the family all around, eating everything, joining in as much as she could, she even had a couple of glasses of wine one night and got very argumentative  about Hitler - Jimmy and Rachel made a very good audience - but you can't argue with someone who says - I know I am right because I was there!

So 2014 has started - with all of the fraility of life and all of the joy - from  new babies to sadness......

What an amazing world we live in - every precious second of it.

Goodbye 2013 and welcome 2014..........