Sunday, May 19, 2013

Finding My Feet!

It's Sunday night and I have to leave the house at 5.15 tomorrow morning to catch a flight to Croatia, so on the move again!! I will be away for three weeks, back 2 nights, then away again for a few more days. This trip has also got several distinct element to it, two conferences and several meetings in several countries. However, I will also spend a few days with Rob, we are going to Sarajevo, the Bosnian pyramid,  Mostar and then down to the coast which will be lovely.

I have got that edgy feeling that I get just before I go away. Packing today, seemed complicated, not helped by the fact that I bought Rob a pair of shoes, size 15 (50 European size/16 USA) - they fill my carry on bag! I am also taking him a present of a hammock I found and repaired, this seemed a good idea but it hasn't left a lot of space for anything else. I also really like to travel light so I am only taking a very small suitcase and carry on bag. So today I had to pack with care - but given my lifestyle I should be very good at packing!

Went over to see my mother yesterday. She is sad, she is really doing her best not to be sad, however sadness is quite close to her at the moment. I won't see her for the next three weeks, but I do phone her a lot. I think she is lonely. She actually has a lot of visitors and lives in a lovely place with other people, but I think her loneliness - is her missing Dad. She is going on a cruise in July with Jenny, Evey and Ellen. They are going around Ireland and calling in one of the Channel Islands, she's really looking forward to that. I have said I will take her away to stay with my cousin Lizzy's in September. As one trip comes close, she likes to see her next trip taking shape - I must be my mother's daughter!

I have had a lovely and busy weekend, went drinking with Hector and Gilly on Friday, went to see my Mum and got my hair cut on Saturday, when round for tea and watched the Eurovision Song contest at Gilly's last night and then today, packed, and this afternoon took a group of people on a Shamanic Sound Journey. I was actually very nervous. We held the event in my friend Jude's apartment and it was a mixture of people that I knew through dancing and complete strangers. They all seem to get a lot from the journey which was wonderful but afterwards a couple of things happened which amazed me.

I have just written an e-mail to a friend describing where I am in my life. and I said I am amazingly blessed to be living the life that I am; with the growing conviction and understanding, that  I am absolutely in the perfect place at the perfect time, to be doing what I should be doing!

And it feels very true.


But maybe I am just finding my feet.....................

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Things moving quickly......

Life does seem so very accelerated  at the moment - the weeks just flashing by..... but also lots happening in my life.

Last weekend was significant in my journey. As a consequence of the Shamanic Workshop with Patricia White Buffalo I made the decision to be more public about my Sound Healing practice. As a consequence I have started to advertise what I do  - and have just spend the last couple of hours writing stuff for the web - and I will also turn these into a small leaflet - and I know a couple of places I will advertise - WoW!!!!

I had my first 'cold' client last Tuesday and will take a group on a Sound Journey next Sunday. I have also realised that I am a 'Shamanic' Sound Healer - wasn't clear about this until last weekend - but yesterday I did a Sound Healing treatment which included taking the client on a Shamanic Journey and then working with Sound - what actually happened was absolutely amazing!!!

I just love this work as it all comes beautifully naturally  to me - which sounds bonkers - and sometimes feels bonkers - but it also  just feels wonderfully true to me. I am a Shamanic Sound Healer - now who would have expected that!

This is what I wrote on my other blogg:

What is Shamanic Sound Healing? 

I use sound and vibration to work with the energy body. This includes drumming, Tibetan bowls, tuning forks and my voice;  each session is always unique to the individual or group.

Sound Healing involves the cleansing and releasing of energies, as well as receiving feelings of harmony, balance and physical relaxation.

The sounds and vibration of the instruments, and the voice, resonate with the physical, emotional, metal and spiritual energy fields, bringing healing and a sense of well being.

Shamanism refers to a range of traditional beliefs and practices and is based on the understanding that we are all connected. This includes the recognition that everything, including our Mother Earth, has a spirit and is alive. With this knowledge also comes responsibility. 

I am a Shamanic practitioner because I  also work within the Spirit world and this allows me to include these connections within my Sound Healing practice.  

I offer:

Individual Shamanic Sound Healing

Group Shamanic Sound Journeys

Now how about that!!!!! 

I have also had a lovely rich and full weekend, Steph was over from Belfast and we went to my Mum's on Saturday spending time with my Mum and Jenny -  and then last night as it was Gilly's birthday, Fiona also came round and I cooked a Gilly-centric Birthday feast and we ate, drank wine, talked, laughed and celebrated life which is always a good thing to do!

This week will be busy - have got behind a bit with work and tomorrow Gilly and I go to Les's Mum's funeral - 3 months after her Dad's. But this in itself feels to have a rightness to it - and I am glad to be going, though I will have to get a lot done in the rest of the week as I go to Croatia a week tomorrow - with lots of things to do like prepare a key note presentation!

But I will see Rob which will be lovely.

So another week flashed by - glad I found the time to blogg - as it always good to take the time to just be me - and to recognise where I am - and what I'm up to - even if sometimes I just have to laugh out loud at what I get to up - I wonder what Chris would think about this me of May 2013 - he would probably call her an 'old hippy' - like his three sons do - but you know what I think he would love her energy, craziness and her love of life - and for my part - I loved that lovely man - and always will - how lucky was I!!!!! How lucky am I!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...... and a Shamanic Sound Healer - get out of here!!!!!!

Saturday, May 04, 2013

Looking after myself!!!!

It's around 9 on Saturday evening - and I'm in bed!!!! After a lovely supper, a very deep, hot and relaxing bath - my bed is warm and comforting, I have beautiful music playing, the room is perfumed by scented oil, I have a mug of chamomile tea and I have time to write my blogg - perfect! I am looking after myself.......

I have been very busy! Estonia was amazing - but exhausting  - I never got to work Monday afternoon - went to bed for four hours instead... it all caught up with me - went dancing Monday evening - Andrew Holmes an amazing teacher - beautiful dance - so very needed. Tuesday I was phoned up by the friend of my childhood to say her sister had died suddenly (age 55) the day before. Sudden deaths are always shocking...... I went over to my Mum's as I wanted to tell her myself - she was surprised to see me on a Tuesday afternoon and as I sat down next to her - she hung her head - knowing I was going to tell her bad news.... I keep recalling her posture in the chair at that moment - as she held herself in anticipation of something she didn't want to hear.

I then went see my friend and her Mother - both cloaked in shock at the completely unexpected death of an only sister and a beloved child. The human spirit is strong. Sudden death also bring to the surface the memory of other deaths - and I have spent a lot of time this week - remembering, listening and talking about other deaths - I think it is so important to do this - grieving is not a one-off process - it is important to talk - and to listen.

Wednesday I went to the Ballet - Matthew Bourne's Sleeping Beauty - it was magical and I thoroughly enjoyed it - and last night I went to a Shamanic Sound Healing Event, which was a pre-cursor to a two day Soul Retrieval Workshop which I am participating in this weekend... that's why I'm bed looking after myself - because I need to do this.

I know I haven't processed Tartu yet - as it was rich and deep in learning - and I am also not really on top of all the work coming out of it - plus the rest - but that will get done. That's the work side of my life - the sound healing side of my life is so completely different - Alegra and Tricia - the two sides of me.

It was really interesting today in the lunch break talking to two of my companions - as I could just begin to see the connections and links  between what I do professionally and what I do personally - can't quite see me standing up to speak at a conference and getting my drum out - but hey who knows!!!! I love my drum - I have made a carry case for it - out of jacket I bought in a charity shop - took the sleeves off and made a circular lining from an old camping mat and some furry fabric - I've then decorated it - must say I am very happy with it - it had it's first outing today at the workshop and was much admired - both the drum and the case!

What do I think is the same about the two sides of my life is the effort I put into both - I think I work hard and put commitment into what I do - I also think that  I follow my intuition - and have done so for much of my life - more consciously now - but looking back I have ended where I am by following what 'felt the right thing to do' - and yes of course being very lucky!!!

So it's Saturday night - home alone in bed - and happy! Tomorrow another day of Soul Retrieval - so no idea where that will take me! Gilly coming round for tea tomorrow evening - Monday is a public holiday - so I will take my Mum to meet my friend and her Mum for a pub lunch and we will talk of connected lifetimes and death, so that's important.  Then lots of work and things to do..... feeling happy tonight and glad I'm looking after myself - and very glad that I've blogged - thanks for reading xxxxxx