Saturday, February 02, 2013

How fast time is moving................

...... maybe it's just me - but I don't think so...... but time seems to be hurtling by at an extraordinary rate - and life does seem a bit of a bluuuuurrrrrrrr!!!!

Well - it's Saturday evening - after a big week for me - suddenly my future seems clearer - but also more unknown - so that's really good - and I am embracing that - holding close to me the preciousness of the 'unknown'. But hey - who knows anything, anyway?

Had a lovely day today -  spent time with my Mum - finally giving her the Christmas shawl I had knitted for her - which I had left in the suitcase in Croatia, The shawl is knitted from the most extraordinary gossamer soft, beautifully coloured wool - I knitted it over a few months - including the weekends I was on the sound healers course - it was really difficult to knit as the wool was so thin - and the pattern was bit weird - not going to use free download Internet patterns again!

However, the resultant shawl is actually very lovely. I had knitted it for her to put round her shoulders when she feels 'sad'. She's amazing and so positive but there are times when she just 'feels sad' - and I often talk to her about this - because it's OK to sometimes 'feel sad' - but she just misses my Dad so much.

This is the photo that I took of my Dad when my Mum was recovering from surgery in June 2011 - she was intensive care and Jimmy and I had called in to my parents house prior to going the hospital - I had asked my Dad to 'send Mum your love' and I took this photo into my Mum - and held it close to her. The Christmas before last I got it put on canvas (Gilly's suggestion) and she has the photo so close to her all the time - especially when she feels a bit sad. Today I told her the detailed story again - as she forgets - but she also loves to hear the story - about how my Dad is sending her his love though the camera. Looking at the photo - he is!!!!

Anyway the shawl is also linked to this - because I want to be with my Mum when she feels the loneliness and sadness - but am not, so had knitted the shawl for her to put round her shoulders when she felt sad. So it was a special time together today - as we talked - and we were together - and we both know these times are finite - so we were both treasuring the time together. Bufffff! the beautifulness of consciously treasuring our time together - if we could all do this with all our relationships - to treat and love everyone in our lives with the knowledge that our time together is finite, special and to be treasured - way to go Mum - what a lesson!

She was also particularly happy after Ann had organised a great visit to London last weekend. Travelling first class on the train, staying at Max's, revisiting the street where she had been born, lunch at Bryony's - she was just full of gratitude and happiness - and at 92 what more is there - but hey - at any age what more is there????

OK time is moving fast - but every precious moment is to be treasured - how blessed are we to be alive, here and now!!!!!!!!!