Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Emotional roller coasters.....

...are extreme.

I'm in London today for two conferences staying at Ildi's - we went deep last night as we reflected on India and where we are now.

Not certain if emotional roller coaster is the right way of describing it - because it's not actually my emotions that are in turmoil. It feels like all of me - physical, mental, spiritual and emotional - the whole lot is twisting and turning, trying its best to make sense!

Maybe that's the problem - 'trying to make sense' of it all!

I'm not unhappy - quite the reverse - I am very happy, always happy. It's - I'm not certain what - I do have a strong sense of urgency - but again am not certain quite what I have this urgency to do!

If only life was as simple as sitting in bliss with an elephant.... but hey may be it is!!!!!!!!!