Sunday, September 02, 2012

Being on my own.....

I have had a wonderful summer of being with people - Jimmy and Rachel here in my flat, being with people in Georgia and Spirithorse... but tonight I feel on my own....

I thought I would miss Jim - I was talking about it today with my Mum - as we walked companionably around Shakley Mere - a beautiful walk in the sunshine - both of us counting our blessings and being together - a truly lovely afternoon - we then went to Booths supermarket and Mum enjoyed me food shopping - both of us taking pleasure in the small things... Usually I would have had Jim for a meal - breakfast or tea - at least once in a week - and my shopping seemed very singular on this occasion.

But maybe I feel like this because this time last week I was in the Pennant Valley - immersed in the Spirithorse community - nurtured and enriched by just being there - surrounded by many beautiful people that I am honoured to call my friends - another family - richness indeed.

So I hesitate to even recognise that I feel on my own - but at the same time I think I should. I am so amazingly blessed - absolutely no question about that - bufffff - I have been given so much - my life is so rich and varied - that to even feel on my own seems like an indulgence! I think the more you are given - the more appreciative and grateful you should be - and I have been given so much - it is not easy to be uneasy with it all.

I have just looked back at this blogg - and it sounds a bit of a moan! However tonight I do feel a bit restless - but I think that's OK - there is so much change going on in the world at the moment - that I think I should just recognise that the opportunity to stop  - and to become closer with myself is actually a huge gift!