Monday, May 04, 2009

Lovely weekend

Been away with the walking sisters and it was wonderful. Stayed in a beautiful place and we just walked, ate, talked and laughed ..... how fabulous is that!

This was our picnic...

.. and this was the view whilst we ate!

... and this is how I felt yesterday at the top of the hill - with the whole of the lakes and Lancashire in front of us - afer a great walk!

I was so mad busy last week - coming home to a house in total disarray - rushing around like a mad thing clearing up before I left early Saturday - but it was so good.

House whirl continues as the second decorator is now working on the hall stairs and landing - Jimmy and I have just been to choose carpets and paint. I can see the end in sight!!!!!!!!

Dancing tonight - missed it last week as I was in Strasbourg - my life is so full - and I'm finding everyday and everything a joy - bluebells and trees with fresh leaves - beauty, chaos and change.......